½ cup dried peas or beans
5 medium potatoes
½ cup grated cheese
½ cup fine breadcrumbs
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon melted bacon fat
salt and pepper
Method—Soak peas or beans over night, then boil until very tender. Boil and mash potatoes. Add mashed beans, grated cheese, bread-crumbs, beaten egg, bacon fat and seasonings. When cool shape into cakes, dip into cornmeal and fry.5 medium potatoes
½ cup grated cheese
½ cup fine breadcrumbs
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon melted bacon fat
salt and pepper
happy, beloved, and successful, while others drag out a negative existence, of no use to themselves or anyone else? Except in a few cases the answer is to be found in a state of freedom from the troubles known as "female." The well woman radiates cheerfulness and serenity, while the ailing one repels you with her despondency. It is not necessary, however, to harbor aches and pains, and the "blues," which make one a detriment to society. The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has brought relief to such women, and given them a new lease of life.
"I was in a general run-down condition, with a weak back and tired feeling, so that I did not feel like working. My mother was taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and recommended it to me, so I have taken it, and my back is better and I am now able to do my work. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my neighbors and you may publish this letter." MRS. JOSEPHAT A. GRENIER,
Hesketh, Alberta.
Hesketh, Alberta.
1 cup dried beans
2 slices bacon (diced)
1 can corn
1 can tomatoes
salt and pepper
cracker crumbs
Method—Soak the beans over night and boil until tender. Drain into a fire-proof casserole. Try out the fat from the bacon until it is perfectly crisp, care being taken that it is not burned. Then add corn, seasoning and tomatoes. Mix all and add to beans. Sprinkle cracker crumbs over the top and bake twenty-five minutes. Serve from the casserole.2 slices bacon (diced)
1 can corn
1 can tomatoes
salt and pepper
cracker crumbs
it is 'the style' to be healthy. Our heroines no longer languish and faint. They are all healthy girls and women who do a day's work or play just as a man does. If some of us are not so healthy as this, we try to be and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when we feel the need.
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