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Saturday, June 9, 2012


The word "venereal" means pertaining to sexual intercourse: venereal excess—excess in sexual intercourse; venereal disease—a disease acquired from sexual intercourse with an infected person. The word is derived from Venus (genitive—veneris), the Roman goddess of spring, flowers and Love.
There are three venereal diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis and chancroid. Of these, gonorrhea is the most widespread, syphilis the most serious. Chancroid is of comparatively little importance.

While by far the greatest amount of venereal diseases—probably ninety per cent, of the total—is contracted from illicit intercourse, it is well to bear in mind that some of it is contracted innocently, either from a kiss, or from using a sponge or a towel which has been used by an infected person, etc.

 While the gonorrheal germ is generally transmitted directly, the syphilitic poison may be transmitted through various objects. Syphilis contracted not during intercourse, but in an innocent manner, from a kiss, a towel, a toothbrush, a razor, etc., is called syphilis of the innocent, or syphilis insontium. In former years doctors would not very rarely contract syphilis from examining syphilitic women with their bare fingers.

 Now since gloves have come into use for examining purposes, the number of infections has considerably diminished. And no doubt that as the people become more familiar with the danger of venereal infection from non-venereal sources, the number of innocent infections will greatly diminish. The dangerous roller towel and the no less dangerous common drinking cup are being gradually eliminated as factors of non-venereal infection; and we may confidently expect that in a decade or two the amount of venereal disease from venereal infection will be greatly lessened in all civilized countries. The general increase in cleanliness in all strata of society and the universal use of antiseptics after suspicious sexual relations will constitute the chief factors in this diminution of venereal disease.


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