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Monday, June 25, 2012


A child should have his face and hands washed before and after each meal. He should not be allowed to carry foodstuffs and candy about the house, or touch carpets and furniture with sticky and greasy fingers. If he requires food between meals, give him four or five meals per day, but have him eat his food in the proper place.
The breeding of flies, mosquitoes and other disease carriers is greatly favored by allowing children to eat at any and all times without napkins, or special preservation of their dress, or without cleaning their hands before and after eating, or before and after playing with animals and pets.

The American child is given too much consideration at the table. There is a great difference between the saying "I don't like a certain food" and "I don't want it," because there are things which taste better.
To leave one's plate half full of foodstuffs and ask for, or accept, other food is customary, but before the law of our Creator it is unclean and disrespectful, wasteful and dangerous.
The physiological laws of our bodies are based on very economical plans: nature utilizes everything and wastes nothing. Cooked foodstuffs, whether they are wasted within our bodies by over-indulgence, or in the garbage can, create decomposition and germs.


  1. One-half orange, one ounce boiled fish, one-half of an apple, toast.
  2. One-half of an apple, one or two eggs, one to two tablespoons raw rylax.
  3. Cereal salad with carrots and fish.
  4. Legume soup, butter and bread, raw carrots.
  5. Well boiled macaroni, two tablespoons of cold grated cheese.
  6. Light rice with cold grated Swiss cheese.
  7. Cereal salad with apple and eggs.
  8. Lettuce, baked potatoes, beachnut bacon and one egg.
  9. Mashed carrots, two tablespoons of young peas, bacon.
  10. String beans with stale bread and butter, bacon and egg.
  11. Finely chopped spinach, bacon, egg, stale bread, butter.
  12. Three to five cherries, light omelet, lettuce.
  13. Cereal salad with apples, two to three tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  14. Baked oats with prunes or cranberry sauce and bacon.
  15. Whole wheat with sterilized cream and celery.
  16. Peach and cereal salad, beachnut bacon and one egg.
  17. Baked potato greens, meat, egg or fish.
  18. Legume puree or soup, carrots, bacon.
Legumes are a very important food for young children, and their use should begin during the second year. They are easily digested if prepared in the form of soups and purees, and combined as directed in the different menus. They should not be given at night.
Mothers of girls should think it more important to furnish healthful exercise, wholesome food and restful sleep during the years of budding womanhood, than to worry about lessons in music and art, or a business education. All these can be taken up with much greater benefit after maturity. Arrested development of the organs of reproduction will lay the foundation for many years of unhappiness and suffering.
Many parents are impressed with the idea that their children require a large amount of sweets, in order to make them grow. We cannot force nature without paying the penalty. At maturity, we reap what has been sown for us, or what we have sown for ourselves.


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