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Monday, June 25, 2012


Proper growth and activity of the brain and nervous system are promoted by a healthy flow of blood. Pure air and sufficient food properly combined and proportioned are essential. Choose more of the lighter forms of protein and starchy foods, as fish, eggs, almonds, green peas, bacon, a moderate amount of lamb and beef, rice, sago, wheat, and vegetable gelatines. Foods rich in minerals are celery, apples, tomatoes, greens, oranges, and practically all the fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the small berries. Melons and starchy vegetables in large quantities are suitable for muscular workers. Use as little as possible of so-called pure chemical substances, such as refined sugar and flour.

Avoid poisonous beverages, tobacco and all forms of drugs. Sleep at least nine hours in a well ventilated room, facing east or south. Avoid constipation. Combine mental work with moderate amounts of useful and enjoyable exercise and physical work. Protect the eyes from strong artificial light. Keep the feet warm. Relax before and after meals. A certain amount of manual labor is absolutely necessary for the brain-worker. It favors deep breathing and creates a demand for more air and water, and thus improves digestion, oxidation and nutrition. The body poisons are carried off quicker and nervous headaches and despondency are
avoided. Short walks out of doors before retiring are very beneficial for people who suffer with cold hands and feet.

Dress by an open fire or in a sunny room. A chill before breakfast produces indigestion and a desire for unnecessary hot foods. Never sleep by night lamps or any other artificial light. They are injurious to the eyes and absorb oxygen.
Avoid fresh breads, inferior cakes and pastry. Do not eat unless you are hungry. Do not over-indulge in athletic or any other kind of exercise. Remember that natural feeding, pure air and sufficient sleep call for natural breathing and natural exercise. Unnatural feeding and late hours create disease or nervousness.


All who leave the land of their birth should make themselves acquainted with the art of living and the peculiarities of the new country in which they intend to live.
To depart entirely from their old customs and habits is as dangerous as to neglect the study of the new environment or the failure to adopt necessary changes.

In some portions of the United States the climatic conditions are very changeable; we have extreme heat and cold, an excess of rain with wind storms and dryness alternating within a short time. West of the Rocky Mountains we have a mild sea air. In the Southern States and near the Pacific Coast we have low districts where malaria and catarrhal conditions are easily acquired.

Tropical fruits and vegetables which are looked upon as luxuries in Northern Europe are necessary articles of food in the country where they grow, therefore the stranger should make himself acquainted with such foods, and by degrees learn to eat them.


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